• Korsun Mother Mary  Beads Embroidered Icon

Handmade beads embroidered Corsun icon of Mother Mary.
Size: approx 42*37cm along with frame

According to the legend, the icon was written by the Evangelist Luka. For a while, it was in the city of Ephesus (Asia Minor), so it was originally called Ephesus icon. Then the icon came to Korsun, where it received a new name, which was fixed for many centuries. In 988 Prince Volodymyr transferred the icon from Korsun to Kyiv. Later it went to Novhorod, then to Moscow, where it settled in the Assumption Cathedral. You can see how closely The Most Holy Mother Mary bowed over Her Son, how closely She leaned against His cheek and with what grace She is looking at everyone who comes with prayers to her image, proves how much She loves this Holy Virgin at Her Son and all people. And how much light there is in these bottomless eyes ...

За переказами, ікону написав євангелист Лука.Тривалий час вона знаходилася в місті Ефесі(Мала Азія), тому спочатку її називали Ефеською.Згодом ікона потрапила до Корсуня,де  отримала нову назву,що закріпилася на багато століть.988 р.князь Володимир переніс ікону з Корсуня до Києва.Пізніше потрапив до Новгорода,опісля до Москви ,де оселили її  в Успенському соборі.Те, з якою любов'ю схилилася над своїм сином Пресвята Богородиця, як тісно притулилася вона до його щічки і з якою благодаттю дивиться на кожного, хто припадає з молитвами до її образу, доводить, як сильно любить ця Непорочна і Свята Діва свого сина і всіх людей. А скільки світла в цих бездонних очах ...

Dear customers,

most of icons we are having available. In case we don't have some of them You would require to wait for 2-3 weeks until we will make it. Also we are taking orders for any another icons. We can make beads embroidered icon of Your Saint who will protect and help You.

Shipping is done directly from Ukraine and goods are getting delivered approximately within 15 working days.

Feel free to contact us and ask Your questions if You have such.

Thank You for viewing our product! Have a wonderful day!! :)

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Korsun Mother Mary Beads Embroidered Icon

  • Product Code: Korsun Mary
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $195.00

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Tags: arezou, embroidered, blouse, vyshyvanka, collection, ss17, ukrainian, fashion